Nanofab user fees (effective April 1, 2024)
Announcement: starting April 1, 2024, the industry rates have been increased by 4.5%.
Tools and/or processes (except EBL) are categorized along three fee bands, based on costs, and the respective usage fees as in Table below. Academic rates are for Discovery type grants.
Tool/Process (Not EBL) | Fee Band | Academic rate per hour | Alliance type grant rate per hour | Industry rate per hour |
Wetbenches – All | B | $35 | $70 | $109.73 |
Contact Mask Aligner | B | $35 | $70 | $109.73 |
Maskless Aligner MLA-150 | C | $60 | $120 | $188.10 |
AJA UHV Evaporator | C | $60 | $120 | $188.10 |
DeeDirectors Evaporator | C | $60 | $120 | $188.10 |
Dicing Saw | B | $35 | $70 | $109.73 |
PE-50 Oxygen Plasma Asher | A | $25 | $50 | $78.38 |
ECR Etcher | C | $60 | $120 | $188.10 |
Oxford ICP Etcher | C | $60 | $120 | $188.10 |
Samco RIE Etcher | C | $60 | $120 | $188.10 |
Trion PECVD | C | $60 | $120 | $188.10 |
Critical Point Dryer | B | $35 | $70 | $109.73 |
Surfscan AFM | A | $25 | $50 | $78.38 |
Dektak Stylus Profiler | A | $25 | $50 | $78.38 |
Optical Microscopes | A | $25 | $50 | $78.38 |
Xactix XeF2 Etcher | C | $60 | $120 | $188.10 |
Filmetrics Profiler | A | $25 | $50 | $78.38 |
Photonic Wirebonder | C | $60 | $120 | $188.10 |
Electronic Wirebonder | B | $35 | $70 | $109.73 |
Photonic Probe Station | B | $35 | $70 | $109.73 |
Photonic Characterization Cart | A | $25 | $50 | $78.38 |
Die Bonder (pick ‘n place) | B | $35 | $70 | $109.73 |
MTI furnace | A | $25 | $50 | $78.38 |
MSL: Parylene coater | A | $60 | $120 | $188.10 |
MSL: PDMS room | B | $35 | $70 | $109.73 |
MSL: Photolithography room | B | $35 | $70 | $109.73 |
Operator/staff fees | $70 | $140 | $219.45 |
Bumblebee is still the way to book tools and to track usage.
Note that the QMI can subsidize the costs of nanofabrication on a case-by-case basis.
Electron-Beam Lithography using the JBX-8100FS fee schedule (effective April 1, 2024)
- Tool usage: $200/hr academic, $470.25/hr industry
- GenISys BEAMER/Tracer and JEOL/Design software:
- Academic trained tool users: free but license only allows one user at a time
- Industry: contact ANF management
- Operator/staff fees: as per table above
Cap for academic users – Nanofab use other than EBL
A cap on accrued nanofab fees, other than EBL, will be also offered, independently of any EBL caps, on a per-grant basis. This cap set at $10k of cleanroom usage yearly (excluding EBL), beyond which a small, nominal charge will apply, at 10% of the normal rate (see Table). The cap year starts counting from April 1st 2020, so any nanofab fees (excluding EBL) PIs have incurred since that date, will count towards the $10k cap for all services other than EBL.
Training, qualifications for academic users
Initial user inductions, training and qualification, are free for academic users. We also offer free consultations in order to discuss your nanofab needs and define a plan of work that works best, given our available processes and capabilities.
Teaching labs:
- Independent agreement with ANF management